Meeting Notes

  1. Fundraising
    1. Regen Network $15k has been granted
      1. Felix hasn’t received REGEN tokens in wallet
      2. Sam needs to confirm receipt of fiat
  2. Additional sponsors -
    1. Climate Collective - jE
    2. Ethereum Foundation - jE
    3. Polygon Network - Anna & jE
  3. Sponsorship doc
    1. Create bad-ass sponsorship doc based on Regen Network RND application (Bea, Anna & Jeremy)
      1. Levels of sponsorship
        1. Platinum
        2. Gold
        3. Silver Bronze
        4. What’s the regenerative version?
          1. NFTrees
    2. Cross-chain strategy
  4. Marketing
    1. Prepare launch campaign
    2. Develop shared framing around communication and memes for ReFi Spring
      1. Community engagement
    3. Create “Do you even ReFi?” meme
      1. You don’t
    4. Giulio to put together comms / collaboration strategy proposal for next meeting
    1. Sam to send re-build site to be used as template
    2. John to add pages for each event on the current listing and send to authors to add more information