Soil Carbon Projects (Regenerative agriculture) at small scale are the most difficult projects to take on. The complications are scientific ones because it’s very difficult to prove the additionality of carbon accumulation in those soil based projects. It’s so much dependent on the cycles of weather and climate in the region, general monsoon and changes. There are so many moving parts, that it’s really difficult to account which variables are causing the change. Is it really a practice that was adopted, or is it really an increased carbon in the soil. Permanence of the carbon is also in question. Studies have proved that carbon accumulated in the top 30 cm of soil might not be the long pool that’s longer than 50 years old, might be a temporary pool that’s could be lost provided changing conditions in the area. How can carbon vary in that area provided certain interventions. These are really challenging scientific tasks being taken by organizations. Once solves, this will be commercially beneficial. As soon as the model established, the question is - how can you scale small scale farms and bring them in the carbon value chain. This could only be done by having these regional models or sub-regional models. Once these models are at place, you can evaluate amount of carbon stored in soil. Important parameter is carbon measurement within the soil, which is comparatively more expensive comparing to forest. As region biodiversity grows the model starts to fail, the accumulation of carbon will be different as soon as an area changes, there are various challenges. Once you scale it down to the small farms, the challenge becomes 10x more difficult. It’s a scientific challenge and many people are involved in it.