Table of Contents


This guide is intended to provide you with a comprehensive overview of hypercerts, their significance for ReFi DAO, and step-by-step instructions for minting them. We aim to make this process as straightforward and informative as possible, enabling you to effectively showcase your node's impact.

For ReFi Local Nodes, effective use of hypercerts can build:

Follow this guide to learn more and implement 👇


What are Hypercerts?

Why Hypercerts Matter

ReFi DAO Vision

Minting Guidelines - Preparing Your Hypercerts

<aside> ❗ Please read and follow the below guidelines carefully!


When minting a hypercert for your project using the hypercert minting dApp, you must provide information across several fields. See below for the specific fields you must complete and how ReFi DAO recommends you fill in the information.

Instructions: choose below for the type of work completed that you would like to report, read the guidance thoroughly, and start minting! NOTE: Ideally you mint the hypercert in a wallet that has been set up specifically for your local node (you can create one in Metamask in a couple of clicks), otherwise a local node founder’s wallet is also ok.

1. Node Incubation

2. Events

3. Ecological Action
