Gitcoin is a popular platform for fundraising in the blockchain and public goods space. If you're an impact project or ReFi DAO Local Node, Gitcoin is a great place to raise funds, establish brand awareness and build community. They have supported over $55M worth of funding towards Ethereum infrastructure, open source software and climate solutions. Each quarter they run a grant round with several match funding pools to support different types of projects.

Below are some high-level steps to help you get started with fundraising on Gitcoin. We’ll break them down into each section below.

  1. Get your Twitter game on
  2. Submit a great Gitcoin grant
  3. Prepare your marketing campaign
  4. Create your tribe
  5. Setup a Gitcoin Passport
  6. Donate to other projects
  7. Setup a daily promotion workflow
  8. Join Twitter Spaces
  9. Monitor your progress

<aside> ⚠️ Running a successful campaign on Gitcoin can be incredibly hard work. You can earn good money as a result, but it’s not easy—especially if you don’t have a big following on Twitter.

That’s why growing a Twitter following ahead of time can be so valuable! We recommend working hard in the 3-months leading up to the Gitcoin round to create a strong brand and loyal following who will support you in the round.


1. Get your Twitter game on 🐦

The first step in running a successful Gitcoin campaign is to have a solid, loyal Twitter following. We’re going to invest a bit of time into this before diving into the details of Gitcoin, so if you already have this sorted out jump straight to ‘2. Submit your Gitcoin grant’.

It’s impossible to build a Twitter following this overnight, so the more time you have to prepare your brand and Bprofile ahead of the campaign, the better.

Here are a few tips that we’ll dig into a bit deeper.

  1. Establish an iconic, visual brand
  2. Orbify your personal PFP
  3. Make a strong introduction
  4. Build a daily habit