Related: Web3-Climate Use Cases (current startups)
- Ownership — allowing transfer of currency or assets without the double-spend problem
- Ease of global payments
- enabling global markets i.e., for reducing plastic pollution or performing ecosystem services
- No middle-men for the money/assets
- you can create trusted, customer-owned markets
- they have lower take rates
- New abilities to craft economic/monetary rules (into currencies or communities)
- make money beautiful (like ‣ with many different features — i.e., UBI or demurrage o)
- automatically distribute funding to public goods
- testing local currencies
- Tokenized governance allowing better voting and fund-management for communities
- digital co-ops, managed and voted on by workers
- improved community / local-asset allocation
- Tokens/modularity allowing easy-plug-in sustainable infrastructure
- automatically purchasing tokens
Eclectic Notes and useful articles
- Blockchain enables “hardness” —
- What are [[hyperstructures ⇒ how do they use the features of blockchain (permissionless, unstoppable. Compelling writing.
- Web3 and tokenomics allow us for the first time to consciously design pluralistic incentive and governance structures for global communities to align their interests and reflect their values. It allows global communication to evolve into coordination and collaboration. It allows us to assign value to our global environment and other public goods that are currently not priced into products and services. It allows for the financialization of these public goods and to leverage financial products.
- Web1, the early internet, built the infrastructure for tech savvy people to communicate on a global scale. Web2 enabled everyone to broadcast ideas with a click on a screen but locked people in extractive systems led by businesses that optimize for short term profit and do not act in their users’ best interest. To liberate ourselves, to coordinate and collaborate globally we were missing the glue that allows communities to become powerful enough to enact meaningful change. That glue is global, decentralized and programmable money.
- A niche, yet immense use case of supply chain traceability and payments in solving IP & conservation-law challenges to offer increased agricultural seed diversity.
- articles attempting to categorize blockchain for climate applications
- Using the Disruptive Force of Distributed Ledger Technology to Fight Climate Disruption (2018 breakdown of DLT — does not cover web3 and modularity)
- IBM & Sydney Sawaya article on tamper-proof ledger’s usefulness:
some of the defining qualities of blockchain
- Decentralization – Peer to peer system with no intermediate channel to manage the data
- Immutable records – The data stored in a blockchain is unalterable